Week of 11/02! Impact of European Colonization on the Americas

Essential Question: What impact did colonization have on the society, environment, and culture of indigenous populations in the Americas?

Essential Understanding (SWUT)Colonization was inspired by the desire to have access to resources and markets, often at the expense of the indigenous culture, population, and environment. 

11/02 EQ – What do the European Explores encounter in the Americas?  Learning Objectives: Students will be introduced to the Introduce the Incas vs Aztecs  – Compare and Contrast Assignment-.  Interactive lecture – Brain Pop – The Americas movie- Meso-America, Inca, Aztecs.    Inca Stonework example , 

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11/04 EQ – What do the European Explores encounter in the Americas?  Incas vs Aztecs –Compare and Contrast Assignment-.  

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