Week of 10/19 – Reformation and Exploration!

Essential Question: What are the methods and motivations for European exploration throughout the 15th and 16th centuries? How does technology and trade influence European exploration? 

Essential Understanding (SWUT): 
 Using new-found technological advances from trade on the Silk Roads with the East, Europeans pushed outwards, seeking powerful economic and religious empires. 

Learning Objectives (SWBAT): Students will Connect the enlightenment to the Protestant Reformation. Students will understand the motivation and technology for the European age of exploration.

10/19 – The Printing Press – Gutenburg. / Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation  Latin Text  – Martin Luther Slideshow –   Printing Press,  Wiki,

10/20 – Martin Luther Crash Course – The Protestant Reformation.  Luther Vocab – Paragraph.  Protestantism as a Protest and Reform of the Christian Faith. –  Interpretation as a difference in Protestant denominations –  Timeline – PDF.

10/21 –  Watch  Martin Luther Crash Course – Video – 15:00 – , Luther Vocab – Paragrap  Due at the End of Class –

10/22 – Start The Age of Exploration –  Ms. Beard’s Prezi – Reasons for Age of Exploration PDF ,

10/23 – The Age of Exploration –  Ms. Beard’s Prezi – Reasons for Age of Exploration PDF ,  Navigating the Globe Reading – 

Resources – explorer_technology- Herringletter_by_christopher_columbus__1_,  Hernando Cortés –   History Channel – Exploration

Unit 1 themes – ,  Inca Vs. Aztecs  assignments- ,

44880_guten_press_lg           sextant drawing

Methods: Students will take notes on Christian humanism (what the new belief about Christianity is based off of the Renaissance ideals) and what was going on with the Catholic Church (indulgences, etc.)  I will ask the class a series of questions about the information. (20 mins)

Assessment: Class discussion, completion of graphic organizer. Completion of Luther Vocabulary 

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